Welcome to Heswall United Reformed Church

Refreshments from 6pm

Worship starts at 630pm

Welcome to Heswall United Reformed Church

Every Wednesday from 2pm

Midweek Communion and Souper Lunch

Wed 18th September


Every Sunday at 10.30am


6th / 13th / 27th – Rev Dr Nick Jones

20th – Ray Craig

Harvest Festival

Join us for our annual Harvest celebration on Sunday 29th September

Afternoon Guild

About us

Find out more about the church.

Church activities

Find out more about what’s happening in the church.

Room hire

We have a selection of rooms available to hire for reasonable prices.


We aspire to be a church where you will find a welcome that is warm and genuine. We believe that a welcome for all was central to the life of Jesus and should therefore be a key feature of any church – and this welcome should be for all people.

Watch our services online


We worship every Sunday morning at 10.30am and you are very welcome to join us, either in the church or on our YouTube channel.

We seek to use a blend of styles, some more modern and some more traditional, to worship in a way which connects with God today.

We aspire to be like the householder Jesus spoke of who “brings out of his storeroom new treasures a well as old.”

Word Alive

Along with the whole of the United Reformed Church, we believe that the Word of God in the Old and New Testaments, discerned under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is the highest authority for what we believe and do.

But that doesn’t mean we read the Bible literally and simplistically. Rather we are an enquiring church and we are not afraid to ask difficult questions.

We believe God loves us all so everyone is welcome here.

A Progressive Church

We are a member of the Progressive Church Network and we have been working hard to welcome everyone into the church. We are affirming of LGBTQIA individuals and relationships, and we are registered to conduct same sex marriages.

It is part of who we are to be a radical and progressive church. We recognise that we are on a journey and that the truth never stands still, and we need to reinterpret the Bible and the faith of the church in light of modern experiences and where the Holy Spirit is leading us today.